Top 6 Nootropics for Memory! 2025 Great Focus Selection
Nootropics are a variety of supplements that are designed to improve your brain’s health, whether it be memory or focus. But which nootropics can help you enhance your memory the most?
In this article, we will go over some of the best nootropics used for improving memory and how they actually work.
1. Ginkgo biloba, a potent memory enhancer
Ginkgo biloba, also known as the maidenhair tree, is an ancient plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine. It’s been used for thousands of years and research has shown that it can have many benefits including improving memory, concentration, and focus.

Ginkgo biloba is one of the most commonly prescribed nootropics in Europe and North America because it’s a potent antioxidant that helps reduce free radical damage in the brain.
Because Ginkgo biloba reduces inflammation it can help reduce symptoms related to Alzheimer's disease but there’s also some evidence that it improves short-term memory by increasing blood flow to certain areas of the brain such as those involved with learning new information or recalling names etc…
The recommended dose for an adult is between 120-240 mg per day, ideally divided into two or three doses.
2. Noopept

Noopept is a synthetic drug that has been shown many times to be very effective in enhancing memory and boosting brain power.
It is regarded as one of the best nootropics for memory enhancement, and students who want to boost their academic performance frequently use it.
It's also commonly used by people who have suffered from brain injuries or strokes, as it can help restore short-term memory loss caused by these conditions.
Noopept was discovered in Russia around the year of 1995, and since then it has become one of the most popular nootropic supplements on the market today.
The common dosage of Noopept is about 10 to 30 mg per day. This can be taken in one or two doses. It is always recommended to start small and increase if needed.
3. Piracetam and aniracetam combinations
One of the most popular combinations for piracetam and aniracetam is taking them together as a stack. This combination has been shown to boost memory, focus, and mental energy.
Piracetam is one of the first nootropics ever developed and it’s known for its ability to improve cognitive function in healthy adults. Aniracetam is also a racetam supplement but was created later than piracetam.
The two share similar mechanisms of action, but some research indicates that they work slightly differently on our brains as well.
The typical dosage of piracetam consists of 1.200 to 4.800 mg per day. This can be taken in two or three doses throughout the day. Aniracetam's typical dosage is between 750 and 1500 mg per day. It can also be beneficial if taken in two or three doses throughout the day.
4. Huperzine A, the Chinese club moss extract
Huperzine A, the Chinese club moss extract, is a natural nootropic that is also an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors help promote and prolong the effects of acetylcholine in the brain by preventing its breakdown. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that helps with learning, memory, and other mental processes.
Huperzine A may be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, but it can also prevent memory loss caused by age or neurological disorders like dementia or Parkinson’s disease. Other studies have found that huperzine A increases blood flow to the head which could be helpful for those who suffer from headaches or migraines.
If you decide to take Huperzine A make sure it's taken with caution because large doses can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
For memory and cognitive function, the typical dosage for adults consists of 50 to 200 mcg per day. This can be taken in one or two doses throughout the day.
5. Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopa monnieri is a natural nootropic that can improve your memory and learning ability. It is an adaptogen, which means that it helps your body adapt to stressors such as physical and mental strain. Bacopa has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and is an effective treatment for anxiety and stress-related disorders.
Bacopa also improves memory by increasing the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory processes. This nootropic may help you focus better as well because it also increases dopamine levels in the brain (dopamine helps with concentration).
The common dosage of Bacopa is about 300 to 450 mg per day. This can be taken in one or two doses. It is always recommended to start small and increase if needed.
6. CDP Choline
CDP Choline, which was discovered in the 1950s, is made up of choline and cytidine. This nootropic can enhance brain health and cognitive function. Alzheimer's disease and other memory impairments are frequently treated with it.
Acetylcholine is a brain chemical that is crucial for memory and learning, and CDP choline has repeatedly been shown to raise these levels in the brain. Studies have shown that taking CDP Choline may help reduce symptoms associated with age-related memory loss, including confusion and forgetfulness.
A daily dose of 250 to 2000 mg of CDP choline, divided into three doses throughout the day, is the most typical.
Before you take any of those supplements do first consult with the specialist
- Always read the label and take your nootropic according to the guidelines.
- A doctor should be consulted before using any supplements.
- If you are taking any other medications, let your doctor know.
- Before taking any supplements, check with your doctor if you're expecting or nursing.
Here is a quick chart with some guidelines that you can use to orientate yourself with the dosages of these ingredients.
Ingredient |
Recommended Dosage |
Ginkgo biloba |
120-240 mg/day, divided into two or three doses |
Noopept |
10-30 mg/day, taken in one or two divided doses |
Piracetam |
1,200-4,800 mg/day, taken in two or three divided doses |
Aniracetam |
750-1,500 mg/day, taken in two or three divided doses |
Huperzine A |
50-200 mcg/day, taken in one or two divided doses |
Bacopa monnieri |
300-450 mg/day, taken in one or two divided doses |
CDP-choline |
250-2,000 mg/day, taken in one or two divided doses |
So there you have it, 2023 Optimal Selection’s top picks for the best nootropics for memory. And if you need more information on these, or want to learn about other nootropics before making a decision, check out our blog!
We hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as we did writing it. If so please share with your friends & family who might benefit from learning about which nootropics work best for improving their memory function.
- Ginkgo Biloba:
- Noopept:
- Piracetam:
- Huperzine A:
Huperzine A: Is it an Effective Disease-Modifying Drug for Alzheimer’s Disease? - PMC (
New insights into huperzine A for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease - PMC (
- Bacopa monnieri:
- CDP Choline
Awesome Article!